Welcome friends to 2014.

David James Robinson

David James Robinson

This entry is an introduction to my blog for my law practice. Welcome. Please visit my website, www.davidjamesrobinson.com.

Once there, you will find a link to my new facebook page, twitter feed and RSS feed. If you use facebook, please press “like” on my page. Follow me on twitter. Subscribe to my RSS feed, a simple syndication for my blog, to receive blog updates in your email. I do research every day on tax, business and estate planning topics. I want that research to benefit you.

One Response to Welcome friends to 2014.

  1. Mary Ann Aschenbrenner January 6, 2014 at 9:46 pm #

    Hi David:
    Congratulations! I am proud to be a part of this endeavor from the very beginning. So nice to know an ethical and hard working attorney.
    Mary Ann Aschenbrenner

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